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How can we strengthen economic cohesion in the EU?

Von Sebastian Serafin / 19. Juni 2016
Foto: Julia Kneuse / FES

Question & Answer with Pierre Moscovici! In the framework of #ec16berlin – www.fes.de/europecalling – happening on Monday, June 20th, in Berlin, you’re having here the opportunity to ask your questions, give your comments and inspire with your ideas, directly to Pierre Moscovici, European Commissioner for Economic and Financial Affairs, Taxation and Customs. This talk will happen from […]

Question & Answer with Pierre Moscovici! In the framework of #ec16berlin – www.fes.de/europecalling – happening on Monday, June 20th, in Berlin, you’re having here the opportunity to ask your questions, give your comments and inspire with your ideas, directly to Pierre Moscovici, European Commissioner for Economic and Financial Affairs, Taxation and Customs.

This talk will happen from 14h30 until 15h30 on Monday, June 20th in Berlin. Questions and comments are possible in German and English language. The main question is: How can we strengthen economic cohesion in the EU?

2 Antworten auf „How can we strengthen economic cohesion in the EU?“

  1. Von Alex am 20. Juni 2016

    Warum kriegen die Griechen so viel Geld?

  2. Von NewEurope am 20. Juni 2016

    Greece is stuck. The country is overburdened with debt. Are you supporting a debt cut?

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